Kamis, 01 April 2010


Understanding the dialectic of Hegel in its methodology the concept of thesis, antithesis and synthesis in theological perspective can not be separated from the neo-Platonic view that all reality is derived from "The One". "The One" mengemanasi Self or emit Himself into the fact that compound and eventually absorbed into "The One" is in essence a theological reality that reality can only be understood in terms of the purpose and ultimate goal, the realization of self-consciousness of Spirit.
Hegel's views about the key importance of history, there is subjective views about the Spirit ("The One") that had been developed in three phases. The first phase is called the thesis of the Spirit in Self-awareness of his own. The second phase is called the anti-thesis, Spirit Self mengekternalisasikan her in another reality that is the reality of the universe or the universe, this is the history of objectification ekternalisasi Spirit or the Spirit. All of the historical fact was later appointed yng ketujuan higher (aufgehoven) into an absolute Spirit is phase synthesis. This process is called dialectical process. Hegel argued that all of the dialectical development is the progress toward freedom.
In a brief tone could be said that Hegel's phenomenology can be seen as a dialectical analysis of the history of the subject (that led to philosophical thinking) and the emergence of self-consciousness as the Geist (spirit). Subject to a historical subject that contains limitations but also the ontological necessity have the possibility to have absolute knowledge. Hegel's attention on the motion and the process of becoming (Becoming) allows the emergence of new views about the subject as a principle of motion (principals of movement)
In Islamic theology, we will find the view that before human beings inhabited the earth created (historical), humans have no natural Azali namely in the form of spirit of the holy spirit, which is not limited to, this is the divine Spirit. Then God breathed His spirit in physical bodies of human beings on earth, which contains the historical spirit has limitations due to physical jazad dressed. And in the end the Spirit will return to origin "wa innalilahi innailaihi rojiun" we are from God and will return to Him. This is the dialectic of Hegel in the perspective of Islamic theology.

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