Senin, 29 Maret 2010

How to Create Everyday Magic

We all perform certain rituals throughout our day. Try incorporating the magic of positive thinking. Manifest your will and intent with the power of thought.


  1. Awaken
  2. Fall asleep once again for just a few more minutes.
  3. Take a long, full body stretch in or out of bed.
  4. Stretch, breathe, yawn and allow the oxygen into your body to fully awaken.
  5. Take several deep breaths.
  6. Envision yourself cleansed from head to toe in white light.
  7. Observe how your body feels. Are you still tired? Do you feel rested and refreshed?
  8. Keep your mind free of thought for these first few minutes.
  9. Take a walk to the window. Observe the outside light. Sunny is great as it creates energy for your spirit. Cloudy is great as it creates energy to reflect.
  10. Absorb and accept what the day brings.
  11. Begin to allow yourself to be aware of the tasks that need to get done for the day.
  12. Create a list of tasks in your mind or write them down.
  13. Eat a good breakfast to nourish clear thinking.
  14. Create a little song to hum or sing out loud. i.e "Today is a happy day and I've got work to do. Into the shower and off I go. Today is a happy day, nothing can stop me or get in my way. Today is a happy day, I have my list to do. Work will get done, bills will get paid. Today, today is a wonderful day."
  15. Sing in the shower, the car or whenever you feel the need to brighten your spirit.
  16. Allow things to be in your favor.
  17. Delight in the positive reaction of others.
  18. Remember, if things feel as if they're falling apart, just stop and breathe that breath of fresh air that was instilled earlier in the day. Stand tall, stretch that long stretch, walk to a window, observe the outdoors, begin to hum or sing your song and create your own magic once again

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