Minggu, 28 Maret 2010



Guidelines for the implementation of law is order in society, as the law of nature becomes a natural truth that is universal then the law becomes human in alternative behavior guidelines with all their habitats. Natural law theory was taught long ago by Aristotle. According Cansil cited by S, there are two kinds of law
Applicable law because the state authorities penetapaan
Law which does not depend on the views of both the poor man something, the law the "original".
Aristotle says that authenticity is not the same so that if there is no real law, but must be recognized the authenticity of an object does not depend on the specific time and place. Exceptions will be certain things must exist. Therefore according to Aristotle, natural law is "law which, according to people who think healthy perceived as being in harmony with nature".
Meanwhile, according to Thomas van Aquino (1225-1274), the law of nature is all the world events are governed and driven by an eternal law "lex eternal" which became the basis of power of all the other rules. Lex Eternal is what is called the will of God who created nature. Human beings endowed with the ability to think and the ability to distinguish good and bad and recognize the various regulations and legislation that directly derived from the "eternal law" is that by Thomas van Aquino called natural law "lex naturalist". Natural law includes general principles such as:
Do good and avoid evil
Act according to conscience and a healthy mind
Loving creature like love yourself
According to Thomas van Aquino, basic principles they have absolute power, knows no exceptions, applicable everywhere and did not change over time. While Hugo De Groot, is the consideration of human thought and reason. Law of nature according to Hugo De Groot is the consideration of the mind that shows what is right and wrong. Natural law is a statement of mind (reason) of healthy human on the issue of whether an act in accordance with human nature, which therefore is whether the actions required or must be rejected.

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