Sabtu, 27 Maret 2010

Tips to Improve Articles Base Ranking

Tips to Improve Articles Base Ranking

ArticlesBase Ranking is calculated based on several parameters, such as the number of inbound links, the number of visits from different sources (such as search engines, forums, websites, etc.), the number of comments, and more.

So, how can you improve your article’s ranking? The following are some tips from the ArticlesBase team:

1. Links to the article: The more times your article is accessed from outside, the higher the ranking will be. Therefore, it is recommended you publish links to your articles on websites, blogs, forums, social networks, etc. We also high recommend you send a link to the article by email to friends and family or within a newsletter. When you post links, instead of using the URL or “click here” as the link text, use the name of the article. It will help with the search engines and people will know what they link is about.

2. Article Title: The article title is the first thing that the reader and search engines "see" so it should contain relevant keywords. On the other hand, in order to stand out among thousands of articles and actually lure the reader to further read the article, it is also important to have an interesting and attractive title. The title should contain the words people would use in a search engine to find your article. A good title will generate more views from search engines and more views from within the site.

3. Articles Summary: The article summary is an overview of the article - it is the "teaser" that will convince readers to further read your article. The summary appears on the website inside the categories, on the internal search results and on websites that display ArticlesBase RSS. For those reasons it is highly recommended that you write an excellent summary, one that will make readers want to read more.

4. Quality Content: The quality of the article will ensure that the article readers rank it, recommend it to friends, or even republish it on their own sites. And of course - search engines will rank it higher.

5. Personal RSS Builder: The Personal RSS Builder (accessible through the author's area) allows ArticlesBase writers to display their articles on their own websites, blogs or social networks with a simple RSS code. The RSS Builder will increase the number of inbound links to article.

6. Keywords: Keywords play an important role on search engine placement. It is recommended you use about 10 relevant keywords that describe the subject of the article and use them in the body of the article. It is important to avoid keyword abuse. For example, an article about loans shouldn't have the title "Loan - Loans". Even though two keywords are used here, most readers will find the title meaningless and will move on to the next article.

We hope to have helped with the tips above, and please feel free to contact us for any further questions, suggestions or comments..

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