Senin, 05 April 2010

Religious Experience and Ritual in perspective Lelaku Javanese Islam and Modern Psychology

Between religious experience with ritual practice can not be separated. For the ritual comes from the concept. And after the experience, it enshrined the concept of spirituality. Here the concept is something that is very helpful to guide people toward reality. But when people had arrived there, dealing with reality, he must understand and experience relitas directly. Another quality of the concept is a concept that was static, while reality is always changing. The concept always be something frozen, while the reality is always flowing. So, if someone believing mystical (Sufism), relitas is a wholeness, but the words and concepts of reality breaking into pieces. Reality is not biased housed by the words or concepts. To understand reality, one must know and beyond knowledge. Therefore it is difficult to translate something from one language to another, because each language cuts reality into different pieces.

According CharlesT.Tart (1975:11-38), there are three levels of process level concept or spirituality until the attainment of religious experience, ie knowledge (science), the situations of consciousness (state of consciousness), and spiritual experiences.
In Sufism, this involves Tariqat and ma'rifat shari'ah as well as nature. Sheikh Siti Jenar way (islam java) apparently has met the criteria. His students, Siti Jenar first will teach the origin of life, the second will be notified the door of life. Third, the place tomorrow when it is eternal life, and four, natural mortality currently being experienced.

Because the spiritual experience beyond the knowledge and situation awareness, Abraham Maslow (1964:98) in his thesis puts a spiritual experience as one of the peak experiences (peak experience).
Because for Maslow, spiritual knowledge is not the only peak experiences. In addition to the experience of religious or spiritual experience, spiritual experience can start from books, music, or other activities that are intellectually. Here the religious experience as reality itself, in Javanese Islam was known by the name of reality, subject-Gusti manungaling briefly referred to as unity or ngelmu kasampurnan.

Heart Sick, Get Sick The body was

Excessive stress hormones inhibit the immune system, and make your body more susceptible to bacteria and viruses that spread naughty. (Photo: google)

WHEN overwritten disappointing experience, your brain pumps out cortisol, epinephrine, and other stress hormones, in limited quantities. Indeed, this may help you to react quickly to dangerous situations, likened You can stop the car when no cars are going to cut you down. However, in the long term accumulation of these stress hormones can be harmful to the body.

Cortisol is a hormone produced by the kidneys that have a relationship to control blood sugar levels. If the overwhelming cortisol in your body, then the hormone will tell the brain to send more blood to the muscles. As a result, muscles tense, as if you feel pain throughout the body.

Worse still, if the delivery of blood to the muscles too much, the muscle swelling will occur. Akibanya, you will be attacked by headache, stiff neck, and a sensation like squeezing in the chest. Thus dinukil okezone of Women's Health, Monday (5/4/2010).

Cortisol also diverts blood from your digestive rate, leaving a sense of discomfort is quite serious. Section, an excessive stress hormones can inhibit the immune system, and make your body more susceptible to bacteria and viruses that spread naughty.

"Terpaaan Type in your body related to how your body reacts to stress in general," said Laura Miller, MD, Director of Mental Health at Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston.

If you have a sensitive stomach, chances are vulnerable to feeling cramps, loss of appetite, or diarrhea is great if you're hit by a broken heart. And if you have an addictive personality, you may feel shaky when experiencing profound disappointment. This is because your brain area associated with the desire and addiction are also activated. Nevertheless, to create a healthy body back from hurt, you can follow the following suggestions.

"Not that you can heal the hurt by clubbing, doing rah-rah, or the like which actually cause more physical illness, such as rapid heartbeat and extreme fatigue," said Gary l Malone MD, chief of Psychiatry at Baylor All Saints Medical Center in Fort Worth, Texas.

Conversely, do relaxation techniques, like breathing in and within a regular basis to calm the nervous system. Or, by actively propelling the body through sport. "Aerobic exercise makes stress hormones to stop," advises Miller.

With exercise, the body seeks to require the brain to release endorphins, hormones that give a sense of calm and eliminate pain-even better. Miller recommends to share stories with friends in order mengasup body more happy hormones or hormone oxytocin.

Kamis, 01 April 2010


Understanding the dialectic of Hegel in its methodology the concept of thesis, antithesis and synthesis in theological perspective can not be separated from the neo-Platonic view that all reality is derived from "The One". "The One" mengemanasi Self or emit Himself into the fact that compound and eventually absorbed into "The One" is in essence a theological reality that reality can only be understood in terms of the purpose and ultimate goal, the realization of self-consciousness of Spirit.
Hegel's views about the key importance of history, there is subjective views about the Spirit ("The One") that had been developed in three phases. The first phase is called the thesis of the Spirit in Self-awareness of his own. The second phase is called the anti-thesis, Spirit Self mengekternalisasikan her in another reality that is the reality of the universe or the universe, this is the history of objectification ekternalisasi Spirit or the Spirit. All of the historical fact was later appointed yng ketujuan higher (aufgehoven) into an absolute Spirit is phase synthesis. This process is called dialectical process. Hegel argued that all of the dialectical development is the progress toward freedom.
In a brief tone could be said that Hegel's phenomenology can be seen as a dialectical analysis of the history of the subject (that led to philosophical thinking) and the emergence of self-consciousness as the Geist (spirit). Subject to a historical subject that contains limitations but also the ontological necessity have the possibility to have absolute knowledge. Hegel's attention on the motion and the process of becoming (Becoming) allows the emergence of new views about the subject as a principle of motion (principals of movement)
In Islamic theology, we will find the view that before human beings inhabited the earth created (historical), humans have no natural Azali namely in the form of spirit of the holy spirit, which is not limited to, this is the divine Spirit. Then God breathed His spirit in physical bodies of human beings on earth, which contains the historical spirit has limitations due to physical jazad dressed. And in the end the Spirit will return to origin "wa innalilahi innailaihi rojiun" we are from God and will return to Him. This is the dialectic of Hegel in the perspective of Islamic theology.

Selasa, 30 Maret 2010

How to Praise and Worship God

Do you love the Lord Our God, but, do not know the right way to worship Him? Do you want a profound adoration of the Almighty, and not a mere reverence for Him? Then get to know what worship actually is.


  1. Consider setting up a shrine for God (You may add Holy pictures, etc.)
  2. Have an altar on the shrine.
  3. Place food and drink (usually wine) upon the altar of the shrine.
  4. Burn incense on the shrine.
  5. Light candles for God.
  6. Pray to God for help and even for miravle.
  7. Offer the food and drink (wine) to God. If you should know where God Is Literally Present, bow down low before Him. You are the Temple of God according to Christ Jesus.
  8. Sing hymns for the Lord.
  9. Pray to the Lord, and thank Him for His many good blessings to you. If you do not have a shrine or altar, then whenever you are having a meal, always begin by saying Grace, and thanking Him for the food which you are about to eat. Grace is a prayer offered before meals. Upon completing the meal, say a concluding Grace, Be Thankful.
  10. Try to make every small deed you do to add something good for humankind, as an offering to God, "as a living sacrifice".
  11. Try to make every pain you endure, an offering to God, and you will be blessed if you endure problems because of professing the Lord.
  12. Try to praise God without ceasing and Glorify God.

Senin, 29 Maret 2010

How to Create Everyday Magic

We all perform certain rituals throughout our day. Try incorporating the magic of positive thinking. Manifest your will and intent with the power of thought.


  1. Awaken
  2. Fall asleep once again for just a few more minutes.
  3. Take a long, full body stretch in or out of bed.
  4. Stretch, breathe, yawn and allow the oxygen into your body to fully awaken.
  5. Take several deep breaths.
  6. Envision yourself cleansed from head to toe in white light.
  7. Observe how your body feels. Are you still tired? Do you feel rested and refreshed?
  8. Keep your mind free of thought for these first few minutes.
  9. Take a walk to the window. Observe the outside light. Sunny is great as it creates energy for your spirit. Cloudy is great as it creates energy to reflect.
  10. Absorb and accept what the day brings.
  11. Begin to allow yourself to be aware of the tasks that need to get done for the day.
  12. Create a list of tasks in your mind or write them down.
  13. Eat a good breakfast to nourish clear thinking.
  14. Create a little song to hum or sing out loud. i.e "Today is a happy day and I've got work to do. Into the shower and off I go. Today is a happy day, nothing can stop me or get in my way. Today is a happy day, I have my list to do. Work will get done, bills will get paid. Today, today is a wonderful day."
  15. Sing in the shower, the car or whenever you feel the need to brighten your spirit.
  16. Allow things to be in your favor.
  17. Delight in the positive reaction of others.
  18. Remember, if things feel as if they're falling apart, just stop and breathe that breath of fresh air that was instilled earlier in the day. Stand tall, stretch that long stretch, walk to a window, observe the outdoors, begin to hum or sing your song and create your own magic once again

Minggu, 28 Maret 2010

History of sufism

History of Sufim

In its early stages of development Sufism effectively referred to nothing more than the internalization of Islam.[21] According to one perspective, it is directly from the Qur’an, constantly recited, meditated, and experienced, that Sufism proceeded, in its origin and its development.[22] Others have held that Sufism is the strict emulation of the way of Muhammad, through which the heart's connection to the Divine is strengthened.[23]

From the traditional Sufi point of view, the esoteric teachings of Sufism were transmitted from Muhammad to those who had the capacity to acquire the direct experiential gnosis of God, which was passed on from teacher to student through the centuries. Some of this transmission is summarized in texts, but most is not. Important contributions in writing are attributed to Uwais al-Qarni, Harrm bin Hian, Hasan Basri and Sayid ibn al-Mussib, who are regarded as the first Sufis in the earliest generations of Islam. Harith al-Muhasibi was the first one to write about moral psychology. Rabia Basri was a Sufi known for her love and passion for God, expressed through her poetry. Bayazid Bastami was among the first theorists of Sufism; he concerned himself with fanā and baqā, the state of annihilating the self in the presence of the divine, accompanied by clarity concerning worldly phenomena derived from that perspective.[24]

Sufism had a long history already before the subsequent institutionalization of Sufi teachings into devotional orders (tarîqât) in the early Middle Ages.[25] Almost all extant Sufi orders trace their chains of transmission (silsila) back to Muhammad via his cousin and son-in-law Ali. The Naqshbandi order is a notable exception to this rule, as it traces the origin of its teachings from Muhammad to the first Islamic Caliph Abu Bakr.[8]

Different devotional styles and traditions developed over time, reflecting the perspectives of different masters and the accumulated cultural wisdom of the orders. Typically all of these concerned themselves with the understanding of subtle knowledge (gnosis), education of the heart to purify it of baser instincts, the love of God, and approaching God through a well-described hierarchy of enduring spiritual stations (maqâmât) and more transient spiritual states (ahwâl).



Guidelines for the implementation of law is order in society, as the law of nature becomes a natural truth that is universal then the law becomes human in alternative behavior guidelines with all their habitats. Natural law theory was taught long ago by Aristotle. According Cansil cited by S, there are two kinds of law
Applicable law because the state authorities penetapaan
Law which does not depend on the views of both the poor man something, the law the "original".
Aristotle says that authenticity is not the same so that if there is no real law, but must be recognized the authenticity of an object does not depend on the specific time and place. Exceptions will be certain things must exist. Therefore according to Aristotle, natural law is "law which, according to people who think healthy perceived as being in harmony with nature".
Meanwhile, according to Thomas van Aquino (1225-1274), the law of nature is all the world events are governed and driven by an eternal law "lex eternal" which became the basis of power of all the other rules. Lex Eternal is what is called the will of God who created nature. Human beings endowed with the ability to think and the ability to distinguish good and bad and recognize the various regulations and legislation that directly derived from the "eternal law" is that by Thomas van Aquino called natural law "lex naturalist". Natural law includes general principles such as:
Do good and avoid evil
Act according to conscience and a healthy mind
Loving creature like love yourself
According to Thomas van Aquino, basic principles they have absolute power, knows no exceptions, applicable everywhere and did not change over time. While Hugo De Groot, is the consideration of human thought and reason. Law of nature according to Hugo De Groot is the consideration of the mind that shows what is right and wrong. Natural law is a statement of mind (reason) of healthy human on the issue of whether an act in accordance with human nature, which therefore is whether the actions required or must be rejected.

Learning English With Easy and Fun


Who says learning English is difficult and boring? In fact many ways that can make learning English was easy and fun. You can learn English through songs, computer games, group games, puzzles, and jokes. This article will discuss how we can use the jokes or funny stories to learn English. How? This article Ikutlilah next.

Jokes or funny stories is a very popular story by almost everyone. Look at how many books that sell funny stories, like the Dead-style laughter Russia, the Kabayan, the fool, Abu Nawas, Nasrudin Hoja, etc.. The books are loved by people of various age levels.

Therefore, the funny stories that will be a very appropriate material for language learning. First, because the story interesting and fun. Into two, with reading, you increase the amount of vocabulary you have. To three, you can also see the use of sentence structure patterns in the natural context. And, most importantly, by reading, you practice the use of language. If you want to go any further, you can use it as training material to tell or a conversation in English with your friends.

How? First, look for funny stories that were written in English. This can be found in bookstores or on the internet. However, you need to select the stories because a lot of funny stories that take advantage of low taste, aka dirty man. On this site we have chosen some of the funny stories you can use to improve your English vocabulary. The stories we had been regrouped into the basic level (elementary), middle (intermediate), and advanced (advanced) so you can choose according to your ability level. Some stories that are not marked with the word terkelompokkan uncategorized (uncategorized). This is because the story is taken from sources that did not Uncategorized. In accordance with the name of this site, all the funny stories in the English language is guaranteed clean from the context and words are dirty, and rude.
Due to the large, witty stories were not incorporated into FrontPage. You can access it through the Main Menu. Click Learn Bahasa and then Funny Stories. There you will find a list of humorous stories that. Pick one and enjoy.
Into two, read the stories were funny. Understood meaning, and laugh if you want to laugh. If there are still some words you do not know, open a dictionary to find out what it means. Opening this dictionary is very important because many new words that show your progress in English. The more vocabulary you have, the less you'll open the dictionary. Pick a good dictionary, which gives examples of context use of the word in a sentence. This is because the context will be menenukan real meaning these words.

What about how pronounced these words? English language is quite confusing for Indonesia because of the spelling words and the sound of that word is often not the same. If your goal is only to understand the reading skills are passive, you do not need to bother with how pronounced these words. But if you also want to have the skills to talk (eg a speech in front of the crowd), you can see how the pronunciation of a good dictionary.

The key to success in foreign languages (including English) are often you meet and use the language. Therefore, try to meet and use English every day. You can visit this site goods ten minutes to read one or two things witty story in English with fun. Insha Allah, the story will be added every day. Do not add too many words in one day. What matters, is often seen and used even in a short time every time.

Good luck and God willing succeed.

Sabtu, 27 Maret 2010

Tips to Improve Articles Base Ranking

Tips to Improve Articles Base Ranking

ArticlesBase Ranking is calculated based on several parameters, such as the number of inbound links, the number of visits from different sources (such as search engines, forums, websites, etc.), the number of comments, and more.

So, how can you improve your article’s ranking? The following are some tips from the ArticlesBase team:

1. Links to the article: The more times your article is accessed from outside, the higher the ranking will be. Therefore, it is recommended you publish links to your articles on websites, blogs, forums, social networks, etc. We also high recommend you send a link to the article by email to friends and family or within a newsletter. When you post links, instead of using the URL or “click here” as the link text, use the name of the article. It will help with the search engines and people will know what they link is about.

2. Article Title: The article title is the first thing that the reader and search engines "see" so it should contain relevant keywords. On the other hand, in order to stand out among thousands of articles and actually lure the reader to further read the article, it is also important to have an interesting and attractive title. The title should contain the words people would use in a search engine to find your article. A good title will generate more views from search engines and more views from within the site.

3. Articles Summary: The article summary is an overview of the article - it is the "teaser" that will convince readers to further read your article. The summary appears on the website inside the categories, on the internal search results and on websites that display ArticlesBase RSS. For those reasons it is highly recommended that you write an excellent summary, one that will make readers want to read more.

4. Quality Content: The quality of the article will ensure that the article readers rank it, recommend it to friends, or even republish it on their own sites. And of course - search engines will rank it higher.

5. Personal RSS Builder: The Personal RSS Builder (accessible through the author's area) allows ArticlesBase writers to display their articles on their own websites, blogs or social networks with a simple RSS code. The RSS Builder will increase the number of inbound links to article.

6. Keywords: Keywords play an important role on search engine placement. It is recommended you use about 10 relevant keywords that describe the subject of the article and use them in the body of the article. It is important to avoid keyword abuse. For example, an article about loans shouldn't have the title "Loan - Loans". Even though two keywords are used here, most readers will find the title meaningless and will move on to the next article.

We hope to have helped with the tips above, and please feel free to contact us for any further questions, suggestions or comments..

The Big Lie of Easter

The Big Lie of Easter

"Why do you perpetuate pagan fertility symbols of rabbits and eggs and don't have anything for Passover? No little lambs, nothing. John the Baptist called Jesus the 'Lamb of God' - not the Easter bunny!" - so I wrote a popular family restaurant about their country store and was informed they received my email and would respond.

How many folks actually stop and THINK? How many question why the focus is on an Easter bunny and not on the Passover Lamb? Why have professing Christians enabled this deliberate diversion and deception? Where has the outrage been among those who profess to love the Lord when they see society swept away with hare-brained traditions? Why the tacit approval by deathly silence and default?

You will find people celebrating Passover throughout the Bible, including Jesus. But you won't find people celebrating Easter. The word Easter comes from an ancient fertility goddess. It's spelled in different ways but usually pronounced "Easter" or something like it. For instance, the Babylonians called her Ishtar. The Phoenicians worshipped their goddess Astarte. The Germans had Ostara. The Hebrews called her Ashtoreth. This is all the same goddess, and God condemned the Israelites for having anything to do with this pagan goddess of fertility and the dawn. - Shocked by the Bible
How can a Christian nation have anything to do with a pagan goddess? With the fertility symbols of rabbits and eggs long associated with Easter and exposed by history and condemned by the Bible? Any observance of Easter is as impudent as a whore who feels no shame for her sins.

Those who dishonestly continue to partake of Easter's modified pagan practices, its whitewashed heathen customs, are guilty of spiritual adultery! Such perverse Christians are whoring around with foreign gods and goddesses and undoubtedly will incur the wrath of God upon our nation of drunks and whores and illegitimate children (who have been sacrificed to demons rather than consecrated to God).

“Were they ashamed when they had committed abomination? No! They were not at all ashamed nor did they know how to blush. Therefore they shall fall among those who fall [the slain] at the time I punish them, they shall be cast down, says the LORD” (Jeremiah 6:15).

Traditional Christianity, like an adulterous woman, "…eats and wipes her mouth, and says, ‘I have done no wickedness...'" (Prov. 30:20).

God let ancient Israel and Judah suffer NATIONAL DEFEAT, DESTRUCTION AND DEPORTATION due to their "harmless" religious celebrations! Has God changed His mind? Isn't Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today and forever?

God condemns our countries for IDOLATRY — not just for immorality! Easter is both immoral and idolatrous, as are those worthless ministers who have let Easter take root and defile our land with its pagan pollutions. It is idolatry when religious folks continue to put pagan Easter above Passover (that the early Church of God faithfully observed), when they continue to pimp traditional religious lies of a "Sunday resurrection" - even though the plain truth of the Bible teaches: "After the women rested on the regular weekly Sabbath, they went to Jesus' tomb early on the first day of the week (Sunday), "while it was still dark" (John 20:1), and found that He had already been resurrected (Matthew 28:1-6; Mark 16:2-6; Luke 24:1-3)"- Easter: Masking a Biblical Truth .

Jumat, 26 Maret 2010

Hegel philosophy dialektik

Hegel's philosophy dialektih

Books [1-1] located in front of us brings us back to the era that, although according to no more than one offspring is behind us, has become alien to today's descendants in Germany as if he had passed a hundred years . Yet that period was the age of German preparations for the 1848 Revolution, and all-something that happened in our country since it was only a continuation in 1848, is the implementation of wills and final statement of revolution.

Just as in France in the eighteenth century, so julalah in Germany in the nineteenth century, the revolution brought the collapse of political philosophy. But how different the two looked! French people hold open combat against all official science, against the church and often also against the state; their writings were printed in the border, in English or in Dutch, while they themselves are always in danger of imprisonment in the Bastille. On the other hand, the Germans were professors, young teachers who are appointed by the state: their writings recognized as a textbook, and a limited system of the whole development - the Hegelian system - and even improved, to some extent, into the rows of royal Prussian philosophy of state! Is it possible in the back of the professors, behind their words are vague, self-knowledge, in the back of their sentences are wise, dull, hiding the revolution?

Are the people who at that time regarded as the representatives of the revolution was not just the liberals, the fiercest enemy of the philosophy that disrupt the brain? But what can not be seen either by the government and by liberals since 1833, telaih seen at least by one person, and that person is none other than Heinrich Heine. [1-2]

Let us take an example. No philosophical proposition has led to a sense of gratitude that is greater than the small-minded pemerintah2 and anger from the same liberal-minded mind than Hegel's famous statement: Everything is real adalaih rational and irrational everything is real. The statement is a clear justification for everything that exists, prayer-blessing bestowed on the philosophy of despotism, police administration, the sessions of Star Chamber and the sensor. That was Friedrich Wilhelm III and that His people understand that statement. However, according to Hegel's certainly not everything that exists is also real, without any further qualification. For Hegel, the nature of reality is only what is necessary as well: "in reality proven development process is imperative." Thus, a particular government action - Hegel himself cites as an example of "a specific tax rules" - for him was anything but the real thing without qualification. However, necessity, finally proved that he is too rational; and, if applied to the Prussian state at the time. then, the argument is that Hegel is a rational country, in accordance with reason, as far as it is a necessity; and, if, however, he seemed to us as something evil, but still, even though his character of evil, there is continued, the evil nature of government is justified and explained by the same evil nature contained in its citizens. Prussian people that age have a proper government for them.

So, according to Hegel, reality is not the predictable nature of the particular circumstances which have, social or political, in all circumstances and at any time. The opposite is true. Roman Republic is real, but so was the Roman Empire, which preceded it. In the year 1789 the French monarchy had become so real, that is, has been so stripped of all necessity, so irrational, so he must be destroyed by the Great Revolution. About revolution Hegel always speaks with a passion that is very high, so that, in this case, the monarchy is not real and is a real revolution. So, in the process of development, all of which in the past is not real become real: loss of necessity, the right of existence, rationality. And the reality of a dying place of birth a new reality, which can be lived - peacefully if the old was smart enough to meet his death without a struggle; with violence if he is against having it. So the argument of Hegel was turned into the opposite with him through Hegelian dialectics itself. Everything that is real in the field of human history becomes irrational in the process of time, then it is not rational in terms of the goal itself, previously had been tainted by irrasionalitas; and everything that is rational in the minds of men destined to become real, no matter how much it contradicts the reality that actually exists. In accordance with the provisions of the Hegelian method of thought, the argument about the rationality of the real things turn himself into another proposition - Everything that is worth experiencing destruction.

But precisely therein lies the true meaning and the revolutionary character of Hegel's philosophy (in philosophy which, as the cover of the whole movement since Kant, we must confine ourselves here), that he was forever giving devastating blow to the permanence of all the human thoughts and deeds. Truth, the introduction. a matter of philosophy, in Hegel's hands no longer a number of dogmatic statements is completed, which, once discovered, banialah be learned by rote. Now the truth lies in the recognition process itself, in the long historical development of science, which increases the knowledge level of the lower to a higher level without being able to achieve, to find what is called absolute truth, a point where it can not be further forward, where he will not have another job other than crossed his arms and stared with a sense of amazement amazement at the absolute truth that has been achieved. And what is true for the world's knowledge of philosophy is also true for every other kind of knowledge and also to questions of practical problems. Just as knowledge 'is not possible to reach a complete conclusion in kernanusiaan syara-perfect conditions, the ideal, it may not sejarahpun do so; a perfect society, "state" perfect, are the things that might exist in the kahyal only. On the contrary, all the systems that turns history was the transition levels in the process of development of human society that there is no end of the lower level to a higher level. Each level is the level of necessity, and then it can be justified for the time and conditions of the source. But in dealing with new requirements, the terms higher gradually develops in the womb itself, it loses its legitimacy and justification, he must surrender to a higher level which in turn will become weak and broken. Just as the bourgeoisie through a large industrial, competitive and world markets in the practice of dissolved all stable institutions, the old and respected, then the dialectical philosophy is also dissolve all past conceptions of truth, absolute and about the human condition absolute accordingly. For him (the philosophy of dialectical) and there is nothing final, absolute, sacred. He reveals the transitional nature of all things and in all things, nothing can stand against it unless the nature and disappear into a place with endless, the process of ascending from lower levels to higher levels with no unfailing. And the dialectical philosophy itself is nothing more than a mere reflection of that process in the brain that thinks. Of course, he has a conservative side, too: he admitted that terte'tu levels of knowledge and society can be justified for his time and circumstances, but only insofar as that's all. Conservatism means that such a view is relative, which is the absolute character of revolutionary - the only one recognized by the absolute dialectical philosophy.

Here, it is not felt necessary into the question of whether this looked like it was entirely in accordance with the state of the natural sciences today, which predicts the end of this earth as it is possible and can didiaminya earth as it is very certain: that, therefore, recognizes that the history of mankind, too, there is not only an ascending branch but also the decline. Yet we are still at a very far distance from the turning point in history where the public road into the road down, and we can not expect Hegel's philosophy concerned with questions of natural sciences, in his day, still not yet made the problems discussed.

But, really, what should be stated here is: that in Hegel's positions are developed in the not so sharply outlined. Positions that are necessary conclusion from his method, but he himself never drew that obvious. And indeed, this is the simple reason that he was forced to construct a system and, in accordance with the traditional purposes, a system of philosophy must be concluded with a kind of absolute truth. So that, notwithstanding the many Hegel, especially in the writing logic, insists that the eternal truth that is none other than a logical process, or the process of history itself, but he was forced to give an end to the process, precisely because he had to terminate the system at a point . The logic in the end he could make it the beginning again, because here it is concluded, the idea of the absolute - the absolute only so far on that he absolutely did not have anything else to say - "embody", ie, change, she becomes natural and then became himself again in the brain, namely in the minds and in history. But at the end of the whole philosophy that replicated similar to the first is possible through one way. namely, by thinking about the end of history as the following: the human race until the introduction of the idea that it is absolute, and stated that the introduction of the absolute idea is reached in the philosophy of Hegel. However, in such manner, the entire contents of the system of Hegel's dogmatic expressed as absolute truth bertertangan with dialektiknya method, which melted all dogmatism. So suffocate the revolutionary aspects of growth under the conservative side-lebiban excess. And what is true for the introduction of philosophy also applies to the practice of history. Mankind, which, in Hegel himself, has reached the point of formulating ideas in practice absolute must have come too far to realize the idea was in fact absolute. So it was a practical political demands of absolute ideas of his contemporaries should not be - extended too jauih. And thus we find the conclusion of Philosophy of Law that will be realized the idea of absolute monarchy in the rank-based social rank by Friedrich Wilhelm III promised so persistent but futile to its citizens, ie, limited in power, soft, not directly from the classes of possessing in accordance with the terms of the German petty bourgeoisie in the period, and, moreover, the necessity of the nobility shown to us in a speculative way.

Thus, the requirement that the internal system by itself sufficient to explain why the same method of thinking was revolutionary political conclusions that produce excessive jinaknya. Truly a special form that conclusion born from the fact that Hegel was a German, and as with his contemporaries, Goethe, had little pigtail hanging behind philistine. Each of them is a field of Zeus at Olympia, though not one among them who really beutk never freed itself from filistinisme Germany.

But all that does not hinder the system of Hegel which includes the incomparable field of more magnitude than any previous system, and develop the wealth in the minds of today was amazing. Phenomenology of the soul, (which can be called a parallel of the embryology and paleontology soul, development of individual consciousness-level pass rate different, which manifested as a shortened form of reproduction levels that have been taken by the human consciousness during the course of history), logic , philosophy of nature. mental philosophy, and the final formulated within, sub-parts of the historical individually: filsfat history, legal philosophy, philosophy of religion, history of philosophy, aesthetics, etc. - in all areas of the history of this diverse work hard Hegel to find and show the threads that ran developments. And because he was not only a creative art, but also an encyclopaedia of knowledge, he did the role that makes the times in every field. It is self-evident that because of the need "system" he often had to use constructs that are imposed and the opponents that the dwarf make such a great stir even today. Constructions but it was just the framework and the scaffolding of his work. If there is not one to waste time without any necessity, but go forward into the vast building, then people will find a wealth of countless dead to this day still has value no less. In all the philosophers just "system" that can be destroyed; and for the simple reason that he was born of the eternal desire of the human spirit - the desire to overcome all the contradictions. However, if all the contradictions and for all been eliminated., Then we will achieve what is called absolute truth - the history of the world will end. However, that history must go on, although no more to do - so, new contradictions, unresolved contradictions. Soon we realized - and ultimately no one is helping us realize that more than Hegel himself - that task is expressed in such a philosophy that does not mean other than that the task to be fulfilled by a philosopher is that can only be met by all mankind in a progressive development process - we soon realized it, it ended in a philosophical sense of the word until then accepted. People let alone "absolute truth", which was achieved along the way or by any individual; contrary, the pursuit of relative truths that can be achieved along the way of the positive sciences, and concluded the results through dialectical thinking. However, with Hegel's philosophy of seeing the end: on the one hand, because in the system he concludes the whole development of philosophy in a way that is very admirable; and on the other hand, because even if unconsciously, he shows us the way out of the misleading of kepengetahuan systems real positive about the world.

One can imagine how great the influence of Hegel's system to the German climate is patterned philosophy. He was a victory parade that lasted centuries and that did not stop with the death of Hegel. On the contrary, precisely from 1830 to 1840 was that "Hegelianism" in a very exclusive power, and to limit that less-infecting even bigger opponents. It is precisely in that period Hegelian positions, consciously or unconsciously, with a very wide seeping into the sciences and cultivating a very diverse and popular literature and even daily-daily, where "consciousness educated" on average get the mental food . But victory in all fronts it was just a preliminary to an internal struggle.

As we have seen, the doctrine of Hegel, in keseluruhanya, leaving enough space to provide protection to the practical establishment of the party very much anekaragamnya. And in Germany the theoretical time, above all two things are practical: religion and politics. Who are the main emphasis on Hegel's system can be a bit conservative in both fields; anyone who thinks dialektiknya method as the main things that can be classified into a very extreme opposition, both in the political field and in the field of religion. Hegel himself, despite the flash-revolutionary spark anger rather frequently in his works, in the aggregate, looks as if inclined to the conservative side. Indeed, when compared with the method the system has been paid to the mental blockages more stringent. Toward the end of the thirties years, a rift in this flow becomes more real. Left wing, what is called the Hegelian Left, in their struggle against the orthodox pietistic [1-3] and the reactionary feudal, little by little leaving the attitudes that confine ourselves philosophically virtuous hottest issues at the time, a problem which until then tolerated by the state and even the teachings of the protection they get. And when, in 1840, orthodox pietism and absolute feudal reaction to the throne, together with Friedrikh Wilhelm IV, open sides is inevitable. The struggle goes on by using the weapon of philosophy, but not anymore for the purposes of abstract philosophy, the struggle was directed to destroy the traditional religion and the existence of the state. And semeiitara in Deutskhe Jahrbiikher [1-4] practical purposes still prominently proposed by using the guise of philosophy, in the year 1842 Zeitung Rheiniskhe Hegelian school of the Left directly reveal itself as a radical bourgeois philosophy was filled with the ideals and philosophy of using the cloak of faint just to fool the censor.

However, at that time, politics was a field full of thorns., And then the main struggle was directed against religion; struggle, particularly since 1840, is indirectly also poilitis. Posts Strauss Life of Jesus in the tabun published in 1835, has provided the first impetus. The theory developed in it about the myth in the gospels kemdian attacked by Bruno Bauer with proof that the whole series of stories-stories that evangelism penjyebaran been cooked up by their own writers. The contradiction between the two took place with berkedokkan philosophy, a struggle between the "self awareness" and "substance". The question of whether the miracle stories in the gospels take place through the creation of a traditional myth in the unconscious layers in the middle of the community or if he cooked them by the evangelists themselves raised the issue whether, in the history of the world, "substance" or "self-awareness" is the operative force decisive. Finally came Stirner, the prophet's era anarchism - Bakunin has taken a lot from him really - and cover up "self-consciousness" that sovereign was the "ego" it [1-5] the sovereign.

We are not going into further aspect of the process of destruction of this Hegelian flow. What is more important for us is the next thing init: the biggest part of the Young Hegelians are very strong, by the practical needs of his struggle against positive religion, driven back to the English-French materialism. They make it conflicted with their own school system. While materialism argues that nature is the only reality, according to the nature of Hegel's system was "the embodiment" absolute idea, in other words, the degradation of the idea. However, thinking and results-thought, an idea, here is the primary, natural derivatives, which exist only by grace of ideas. And they dikontradiksi-menggerapai good and bad gerapai they can do.

Then came the nature of the Christian Religion [1-6] writing Feuerbach. With one blow of the book they will negate the contradiction., That is, without beating around the bush he placed materialism on the throne again. Nature is out of all philosophy. Nature is the foundation upon which our humanity - our own is the natural result has been growing. No one is beyond the natural and supernatural beings created by the fantasy is just a reflection of our religion - fantastic from our own nature. His power was gone; "system" was exploded and cast aside, and contradiction, which is shown only in our imagination, has been completed. To have a picture of the book one must have experienced the liberating effect. The excitement is common; we all soon became Fuerbachian. How excited Marx greeted the new conception and how many - although there are restrictions that are critical - he was influenced by the book, can be read in the book of the Holy Family. [1-7]

Weaknesses found in the book also contribute to the immediate effects. Gayanja-a literary, sometimes even the high jump, get a lot of readers and seguatu nevertheless refreshing after years of Hegelian philosophy is abstract and difficult. The same is true for wasteful pendewaannya of love, which, appearing after the sovereign power which can not be allowed to present the "pure reason", has permaafannya, if not justification. But we must not forget is that just two Feuerbach's weakness, namely that "true socialism", which since 1844 has spread like a plague in Germany "educated", taking as his starting point, the replacement of scientific knowledge with literary sentences, the liberation of mankind through the "love" in exchange for the liberation of the proletariat through the economic changes of the production - in short, drowned himself in the writings both nauseating and in love-love preoccupations typical Herr Karl Grün.

The other thing we should not forget is that the flow of Hegelian mess, but the Hegelian philosophy is not resolved through criticism; Strauss and Bauer each take one aspect and that aspect contrasting polemic against the other side. Feuerbach's break with the system and just throw it. But philosophy is not ruled out anything just by saying that he was fake. And so the mighty works like Hegel's philosophy, which has had enormous influence on the intellectual development of nations, can not be thrown to the side with just ignore it. He should be "denied" according to its own meaning, namely in the sense that besides the shape should be eliminated through the criticism, the new content that has been achieved through the philosophy that should be saved. How did that happen we will see below.

But, meanwhile, Revolution of 1848 without ceremony aside all philosophy is just as Feuerbach also been set aside without ceremony Hegel .. And in the process Feuerbach himself was also pushed back.

[1-1] Ludwig Feuerbach, by K.N. Starcke, Ph.D, Stuttgart. Ferd. Enke, 1885. (note Engels).

[1-2] In the minds occurred Engels Heine notes about German philosophical revolution contained in the sketch Heine Geskhikhie Zur der Religion und Philosophie in Deutskhland (About the History of Religion and Philosophy in Germany), written in the year 1833. - Red.

[1-3] pietistic = very pious people.

[1-4] Deutskhe Jahrbiikher fur Kunst und Wissenskhaft (Annual German magazine for science and art), the organ of the wording Young Hegelians led by A. Ruge and T. Ekhtermeyer, and published in Leipzig from 1841 until 1843. - Red.

[1-5] The meaning of Engels was writing Max Stirner (pseudonym of Kaspar Skhmidt) Der Einzige und Sein Eigentum published in the year 1845. - Red.

[1-6] Writing Das Wesen des Feuerbach Christentums (The nature of the Christian Religion) was published in Leipzig in 1841. - Red.

[1-7] The full title of Marx and Engels's book this is Die Heilige Familie oder Kritik der Kritik kritiskhen. Gegen Bruno Bauer und Konsorten (Holy Family, or Critique of Critical Criticism. Against Bruno Bauer et al). Originally published in Frankfurt Main in 1845. - Red.